Shamanic Healing Training
with Amarga
A training in energy work as well as a deep healing of your own energy bodies and your physical body. The work is based on love and meditation.
Shamanic Energy Healing uses an ancient healing technique to harmonise, balance and heal the aura.
Awakening the Healing Spirit - 5 days
A Shaman is a person of wisdom who uses his or her unique awareness to guide and serve others.
Shamans are said to have the ability to transform energy. They develop a special knowledge of the spiritual essence within all things and are able to utilise that knowledge to create balance and harmony in the world around them.
David Lawson
Are those words touching something deep inside you? Are you looking for a way to heal, to guide?
Then, this training might be the first step to bring you in contact with your own natural healing abilities.
We, our body, mind and spirit consist of energy, pure energy.
Let’s awaken those energies inside us through dance, chakra work and special shamanic meditations. Once you feel those subtle energies running through your system, once you are aware of the different vibrations, you are ready to
– Find your inner Shaman and your power animal:
The inner shaman is the wise man or woman, he/she is the healer, the teacher or the oracle.
The Shaman is using his intuition to be guided by life and also to guide others. Moving into trance will help you to connect with our inner Shaman, the one who carries eternal wisdom.
You will also meet your power animal, which is your constant guide and supports you in your daily life.
During our seminar we will mainly work with two energy centers in our body:
– The hara: A healer or energy worker must be connected with its own source, a place, in where he can rest and from where his energy starts flowing. This source is called hara.
– The heart: The Shaman is one who sees in darkness with his heart. Let’s open our hearts, let’s heal, what is in the way of letting love flow.
Love is the energy with which we heal, hara is the energy in which we rest. The Shaman is connected with both and so, healing works.
Learn to give a Healing Session- 7 days
A training in energy work as well as a deep healing of your own energy bodies and your physical body. The work is based on love and meditation.
“I call myself a city shaman or: the shaman without the drum. My instruments are my hands, my heart and my intuition.”
Some of my wisdom and knowledge, I will teach you here in this module.
Giving a Shamanic Healing Session:
- You need to open your heart
- You need to be present in your center
- Your ego has no space in here
Step by step I will guide you into the magic of Shamanic healing. We will use an ancient healing technique to harmonize, balance and heal the aura (energy field) of a person.
What can you expect?
During the first 3 days we will
– dive into our hara, our center of live energy
– open our hearts through the shaman spirit
– getting to know the system of the seven chakras and energy bodies
During the following days
you learn to give a healing session by
– Working from the Hara (staying present and receptive to the client)
– Working through your heart and trusting your intuition
– scanning the aura and chakras
– balancing the energy in the chakras
– Energetic self-cleaning after the session
– Energetic room-cleaning before and after a session
Healing is something like breathing, it is natural. Somebody is ill, it means he has lost his capacity to heal himself. He is no more aware of his own healing source. The healer is to help him to be rejoined.