Energy Healing Training – Emotional Healing: The astral body
Energy is all around us. Energy is life.
Energy is moving through our body and through our hands.
Each cell of our body carries energy.
We ARE energy.
Sometimes, energy gets stuck, it stagnates and blocks the harmonious flow in our body. Sometimes the energy is leaking out and therefore we experience low energy and tiredness. Often blocked energy manifests as pain or discomfort in our body.
Then: Healing is, what we need.
Healing can happen on the physical, the etheric or the astral body.
Here in this module, we focus on the astral body which is also called: the emotional body.
Everybody has a sense of what emotions are. We feel them, they arise in our bodies and they can make us nervous or uncomfortable as the mind has no grip on them. They can make our body hot or cold. Sadness or anger may be there and in other times, emotions are pleasant and make us feel happy or excited.
Emotions are stored in the astral layer, an energy layer surrounding our physical body, starting around 2 inches above our physical body and can expand up to a few meters. In this energy layer, memories are stored of being wounded as well as memories of pleasant times. We also find here past life memories.
The center of the emotional body is the 3rd chakra. Here we will start our journey by opening our 3rd chakra, unlocking our power, strength and dignity.
The warrior of light (3 days)
Just a little courage, just a little daring – and only in the beginning. Once you have experienced the beauty of non-compromising and the dignity that it brings and the joy and the integrity and the individuality, for the first time you will feel that you have roots, that you have a center, that you live out of your own, you don’t live like a businessman – living like a businessman is prostitution. Live like a warrior.
What is a warrior? It is somebody who uses his power and strength without compromising and without fear. The warrior of light is living his power consciously. His power is in service of all involved.
These 3 days give you the opportunity to encounter yourself:
– in meeting your true power, the ability to be yourself, centred, right in the middle of your life
– in saying “no” when you want to, without isolating or separating from others
– in expressing your ideas or opinion even when they are different from others
– in setting boundaries of what you are willing to do or not do
– knowing, what is important in your life and to act on this
– in respecting yourself and shining your inner light
This work will open and free your 3rd chakra, your solar plexus, which is often contracted or tense on the physical level.
Once the 3rd chakra is open and in harmony, naturally your heart is strengthened and love arises. You move energetically to the 4th chakra. This love we need for our next step:
Healing the Emotional Body (5 days)
During the following 5 days we will teach you, how to work with a client. We will teach you how to work in the astral body, in the energetical layer of emotional wounds and past life memories.
As an energy healer, you need to know, how to center yourself in your heart and hara.
You need to become sensitive in your perception of energies. And you need to develop your inner seeing and trust it.
And this is, what we will teach you here.
Once you are prepared, you will enter into learning how to give an energy work session in the emotional body. You will learn, how your inner guide senses different energies in the auric field as well as in the chakras.
You will learn, how to give a healing session by:
– relaxing the physical body
– sensing the emotional energy in each chakra
– working in the astral field, by harmonising the chakras
– working on the physical body: with this we close the session
– creating a golden light protection
We will also teach you, how to energetically work in your own chakras.
At the end of this training you will receive a certificate.
Amarga is a Shamanic Energy Healer and Reiki Master and is familiar with energy work and healing for over thirty years. Svabhavo is very sensitive for energies and has an intuitive knowledge of ancient healing techniques. Both are happy to share their wisdom with you in this training.